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swag haha
31,Jul 2014 12:32 AM
21,Aug 2014 01:16 PM
i got a new cap how you think guys?
Total comment(s) :10
Gun09 | 21,Aug 2014
awesome ahaha!
dzubula | 16,Aug 2014
ceren_98 | 16,Aug 2014
예쁜데 멋있어!!!
yeon_99 | 16,Aug 2014
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Awesome! I like your cap ^^
busrally | 16,Aug 2014
jangbang | 03,Aug 2014
Looks alright, got a girly touch which makes it look cool. I'm talking about the snapback by the way!
tobi02 | 31,Jul 2014
flwen | 31,Jul 2014
so cute❤
ggzmm | 31,Jul 2014
I like the pattern!
The cap suits you well! ^o^
ainopii | 31,Jul 2014