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08,Dec 2013 11:46 AM
16,Aug 2015 11:32 AM
I just got a tattoo 3 days ago ^^
My first one, but not the last one!
What do you think about it?
Total comment(s) :32
Oh, that is cool!
lil_lady | 16,Aug 2015
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Wowwwww!! perfect. Really perfect. I love it
riham | 15,Aug 2015
It looks rad man!
sleepies | 15,Aug 2015
troop beau !
Lsn97 | 01,Jun 2015
Wow!WOOOW! It's amazing, it looks really cool, congrats'!
lilcake | 01,Jun 2015
skdbs136 | 15,Mar 2015
tmdgo70 | 01,Mar 2015
coffee01 | 01,Mar 2015
So cool!
aria731 | 29,Jan 2015
キレイですね 。
angelbub | 28,Jan 2015
wowww... awesome! is cool. I like tattoo!!!
piht314 | 28,Jan 2015
Wow great but scare hahahaa
sws088 | 28,Jan 2015
awesome !! 멋있어요!!
It doesn't painful ?
lu_v | 28,Jan 2015
amandapark: thank you! ^-^
jayyehce: really? alright then, i'll think about it :D
neige | 09,Dec 2013
You should defiantly sleeve it.
jayyehce | 09,Dec 2013
Woww, this is super awesome!! :)
amandark | 09,Dec 2013
frenchme: Thanks a lot! At first i wasn't sure about it, but i guess that's how everyone feel when they have a tattoo haha. But i like it!
zynp91: Thank you :) I appreciate it!
thatgirlina: Merci beaucoup! haha oui c'est vrai :p je suis pas vraiment quelqu'un de sentimental, donc je voulais un tattouage stylisé plutôt qu'un tattouage qui représentait quelque chose :p
busseon: thank you! oh, why can't you get a tattoo? you're too young? or because your family don't want?
teetee6: ᄏᄏᄏ 고마워요! :D
neige | 09,Dec 2013
멋지네요 ㅋㅋ
teetee6 | 09,Dec 2013
Wow *-* , i like it, i want but i cant -____-
busseon | 08,Dec 2013
Il est superbe ce tatouage! ça change vraiment de ce que les autres font!
J'aime beaucoup!
thatgirlina | 08,Dec 2013
Wowww!!! Very nice...
zynp91 | 08,Dec 2013
Whoah, it's a beautiful tatoo ! I love it ! It look really great. You can be proud of it !
frenchme | 08,Dec 2013
karob: yeah i know how it is in korea. But if you like it and want one, you shouldn't worry what other people will think! but thanks ^^
lilapause: thank you! ^^
harmonie: really? ah that's cool :) when my brother saw my tattoo he decided he wanted to get one too xD
jayyehce: hmm i'm not sure yet! what do you think i should do?
neige | 08,Dec 2013
Are you planing on sleaving it or just leaving it as is?
jayyehce | 08,Dec 2013
It looks really awesome! I am thinking about getting one sooner or later hehee
harmonie | 08,Dec 2013
wow I lıke it !
lilapause | 08,Dec 2013
I envy you...I want it! but i can get it in my country..almost poeple don't like tattoo
karob | 08,Dec 2013
neige | 08,Dec 2013
saea3535 | 08,Dec 2013
At one time ^^ it took only 2h15, it wasn't that long.
neige | 08,Dec 2013
Had you gotten it all done at one time, or in a couple
of visits? It is nice.....
l611045 | 08,Dec 2013
Thank you!! ^^
neige | 08,Dec 2013