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Should I grow my hair out long?
31,Oct 2014 05:32 AM
20,Jan 2015 10:28 PM
One day I will grow my hair out to this length!
I like long hair on me.

Should I grow it out?
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Total comment(s) :4
Pretty!!!Im growing my hair ,too:)
ppurewhi | 20,Jan 2015
Definitely! It's very pretty with long hair~
e_cypher | 30,Nov 2014
It looks cute! I have pretty long hair (at my mid-lower back) and its hard work. It looks good, but it takes forever to dry and style. Also its a pretty big pain to wash because there's just so much of it! I love long hair but I totally envy people with short hair who can rock it! I'm not one of those people!
maxeeny | 30,Nov 2014
i think
you look like arya stark in game of throne~
narccist | 11,Nov 2014