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Tal Peleg Art of Make Up
16,Oct 2014 05:15 AM
18,Oct 2014 12:32 AM
This one's my fave.
Sushi eyes!
These are not my artworks. (Well I hope these are mine. Lol) I've just seen it while browsing the internet and i found these artworks way too good to be true so I'm sharing these with you. The person behind these mesmerizing eye make ups is an amazingly talented Israel-based make up artist named Tal Peleg. The eye model is hers too. ^^
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Total comment(s) :6
These are so beautiful, it makes me want Tal Peleg to do some for me.
mimi4 | 17,Oct 2014
Wow! Me too ♡
taptap^- | 18,Oct 2014
Frozen eyes are the best i think ^^
So beautiful :)~
Thanks for sharing them with us, i really love this ♥
kokierin | 17,Oct 2014
Yeah~~ that's so beautiful too. Thanks. I'm glad u like it ;)
taptap^- | 17,Oct 2014
ㅋㅋ Sushi eyes!!
Looks like delicious.
hi725 | 16,Oct 2014
네~~ it really looks delicious ^^
taptap^- | 16,Oct 2014