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Some recent outfits, which one do you think is the best? ~
06,Aug 2014 06:04 AM
13,Sep 2014 11:14 PM
Outfit 1
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
Outfit 4
Outfit 5
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Total comment(s) :26
4 is most !
gustjd98 | 13,Sep 2014
Cool!!!!!!!!!!! A very beautiful girl, hand over a friend?
f5316039 | 13,Sep 2014
Look so beuatiful ~
I envy your fashion sense!
WhiteHat | 11,Sep 2014
All of them are excellent. sweet girl
husseiny | 11,Sep 2014
jnealx97 | 11,Sep 2014
Outfit 2 that suit on you is very cute
pencin | 11,Sep 2014
ruiek | 11,Sep 2014
와 정말 이뻐!~
ac-130 | 11,Sep 2014
12345good so cute ^^
allki113 | 11,Sep 2014
yul1111 | 11,Sep 2014
umnuty | 11,Sep 2014
I liked 1 ^^;
serenay_ | 10,Sep 2014
다 이뻐서 고르기 힘들지만.. 굳이 고르자면 첫번째랑 두번째 이뻐요!!
khj4994 | 10,Sep 2014
jj1392 | 14,Aug 2014
They all look lovely on you Alva I like your style,however I think number three is the best!
davidsa | 07,Aug 2014
1 is good!;^)
juhyen'-' | 07,Aug 2014
Oh very Cute ^_^ I like 2 and 4!!♡
ceren_98 | 07,Aug 2014
I think 1 and 2..
You are so lovely~ ♥
종민종민13 | 07,Aug 2014
The cute and a very stylish!
bear1248 | 07,Aug 2014
Awesome 2 n 4
kyumin90 | 06,Aug 2014
so cute(*^^*)♡
yutsuko. | 06,Aug 2014
Hey they all look nice on you Ava,you have a unique style of dress,i think number three personally.
dave66 | 06,Aug 2014
Leeᆞ1000 | 06,Aug 2014
klewy00 | 06,Aug 2014
I like 1 and 4 ^^
rinriin | 06,Aug 2014
I love outfit 3 on you, it's simplistic and suits you really well. I would say outfit 4 is alright.
mimi4 | 06,Aug 2014