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Short or long hair?
11,Aug 2014 09:35 PM
06,Oct 2014 08:17 PM
Hi everyone! I need some advices! Right now, I have short hair, but it used to be quite long.
My friends and family, and even myself can't decide what we prefer though...
What do you think about it? :3
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Total comment(s) :33
long hair and a smile!
You look like an actor.
jhlook78 | 06,Oct 2014
glimpse | 28,Sep 2014
Long one is better!
gzbgzb | 28,Sep 2014
I think short hair is much better :D
kris | 28,Sep 2014
marydit | 28,Sep 2014
I like your short hair ;) long is good too but I prefer short
kana1212 | 27,Sep 2014
jmn1848 | 27,Sep 2014
jamiesom | 27,Sep 2014
lucyne98 | 27,Sep 2014
definitely short
pencin | 26,Sep 2014
kisku3 | 26,Sep 2014
azsamyn | 24,Sep 2014
I think they both look great. It's a tough choice. But I do like short hair. So I'd say go with that one.
vance | 24,Sep 2014
Both are good!
helloyb0 | 24,Sep 2014
I think long is good on you
yppo2885 | 23,Sep 2014
short shot
piero830 | 23,Sep 2014
이유리 닮앗네ㅋㄱ
jihwan96 | 23,Sep 2014
If someone say short hair, kick his or her ass
dek001 | 23,Sep 2014
I'm a sucker for long hair
tobi02 | 22,Sep 2014
Short hair ^.^
asa202 | 21,Sep 2014
Short one is better.
sldlal12 | 15,Aug 2014
Long hair!!♥
girs1004 | 15,Aug 2014
In seon | 15,Aug 2014
long hair is more suitable for you
zrbella | 15,Aug 2014
Short hair! The haircut in the first picture makes your eyes stand out! Very pretty ^^
juliesky | 12,Aug 2014
I think the long hair,because if you want the short hair sometimes,you can coil hair
lilyzeng | 12,Aug 2014
Long hair!
ceren_98 | 12,Aug 2014
I like longhair!
lytw0365 | 12,Aug 2014
you more beautiful with short hair. my idea is short
keskin | 11,Aug 2014
I like the long hair:D Really looks good on you
dbwjd12 | 11,Aug 2014
shaii123 | 11,Aug 2014
Long hair goes better with your face :) but short hair also good.
melike- | 11,Aug 2014
I like long hair!!
jkiuy200 | 11,Aug 2014