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26,Sep 2016 02:21 PM
28,Sep 2016 05:53 PM
late night snack :D so hungry!!!
Total comment(s) :5
Miam miam
I need to try for midnight snack ahah
kuro-dok | 26,Sep 2016
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짜장면 it's more sweet and 짜파게티 it's more salty right?

I'm so hungry now haha
kuro-dok | 28,Sep 2016
yea thats right! a lot of people get it confused with 짜파게티
jpark126 | 28,Sep 2016
Which kind noodle it is ? It's look like 짜장면.
kuro-dok | 27,Sep 2016
you should! its really easy to make :D
jpark126 | 27,Sep 2016