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Growl 2nd MV
21,Aug 2013 02:49 AM
18,Sep 2013 08:39 AM
I love this more than first ''Growl'' mv.. ^^
Total comment(s) :22
yoonlulu | 18,Sep 2013
we are one!.
niel826 | 16,Sep 2013
xoxoexo | 10,Sep 2013
I really love it :D
yoojinon | 10,Sep 2013
breakfre | 08,Sep 2013
I love this song.♥
esin1 | 08,Sep 2013
jongin94 | 07,Sep 2013
MB goodbye stage today T_T will miss the boys
iqah238 | 06,Sep 2013
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Ahhhhh EXO is SO hansome!!!! They are so talented!
lachataa | 04,Sep 2013
i love kris^^
og2og2 | 04,Sep 2013
엑소 화이팅!!
찬열 사랑해
seosu13 | 02,Sep 2013
manyan07 | 01,Sep 2013
KAI !!!!!!
so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!
snsd1230 | 01,Sep 2013
WOW i love that there are more headshots but the original one was better to me.
More original and i loved the way the video was shot, and being that it was a one shot made it even better but i LOVE EXO
mintx | 30,Aug 2013
exo exo exo>
shuili | 29,Aug 2013
baozi101 | 23,Aug 2013
I love HunHan
wyslove | 22,Aug 2013
yes I love HunHAn too !!
snexo_bg | 26,Aug 2013
omg kai is soooooo sexy okay i cant even akjalkfhaksjdlaskjfal i love it okay although i like the song in chinese more arjdfaskljaslfaslk but hell yeah kai
Chanyeol dklasjdlakjdas
_Sabrin | 22,Aug 2013
I can't get this song out of my head ♥ Tao :3 ♥♥
tsukuran | 21,Aug 2013
I also like the Chinese ver.♥
I love this second version :33
hennie | 21,Aug 2013
Yes, me too ♥
hyoonly | 21,Aug 2013