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Smoky Girl
06,Jun 2013 05:42 PM
13,Jan 2014 04:14 PM
요즘 컴백하는 엠블랙! 너무 멋진거 아닌가요?!ㅠㅠ 이번에는 좀 더 잘됐으면 하는 바램입니다ㅎ
Total comment(s) :3
mblaq fighting~!
louiasx | 13,Jan 2014
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I like it!!!! <3 <33 Soooo goooodddd !!! Awesome.. <3 ^o^
seonlyn | 10,Jun 2013
wow~~!! Thank you! MBLAQ is the best*^^*
yukndoit | 12,Jun 2013