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19,Oct 2012 09:21 PM
01,Dec 2012 04:33 PM
날 미치게하는 노래에요 캬~~
Why so serious?!
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Total comment(s) :14
내가 빅뱅 팬한지도 벌써 5년이 넘는군요!^^
qaz10 | 01,Dec 2012
rnjs0818 | 19,Nov 2012
haha.. ^^
Why so serious?
I love GD! :)
muge | 02,Nov 2012
forever V.I.P
forever G-Dragon !! <3
kbrat | 31,Oct 2012
I love GD. This song is just AWESOME. XD
dk201 | 30,Oct 2012
awesome song ! Love BB :)
ssjoker0 | 28,Oct 2012
tam21 | 27,Oct 2012
get the crayon~
angdroid | 25,Oct 2012
Luv all bigbang members <3
ljh2296 | 25,Oct 2012
" GD " he is really? So amazing !

I love u GD <3
gmzzee1 | 24,Oct 2012
i love his raps ^^
damlaa | 23,Oct 2012
GDDD...^o^....I m gonna see him live in December....I cannot wait...
aira25 | 23,Oct 2012
I love GD^^
yuki0527 | 21,Oct 2012
I love his all songs :D
seonlyn | 21,Oct 2012