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  ASCII ART/AA Collection

ASCII Art Collection - Grouped by category

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with proprietary extended characters.

      ___    ━┓     / ―\   ┏┛   /ノ  (●)\  ・ . | (●)   ⌒)\ . |   (__ノ ̄  |   \        /     \     _ノ     /´     `\      |       |      |       |            ___   ━┓          / ―  \  ┏┛         /  (●)  \ヽ ・        /   (⌒  (●) /        /      ̄ヽ__) / .    /´     ___/     |        \     |        |
    ∩_∩         / \ /\      |  (゚)=(゚) |    人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人   |  ●_●  |   <  どうでもいいが誰にも迷惑かけずに死ねよな >  /        ヽ  < 家族にもだぞ                    >  | 〃 ------ ヾ |   YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY  \__二__ノ                 ∩  ∩   | | | |   | |__| |  / 一 ー\   人人人人人人人人人人人 /  (・) (・)  | <そんな自殺方法あるの?> |    ○     |  YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY     \__  ─  __ノ     ∩_∩         / \ /\      |  (^)=(^) |    人人人人人人人人人人   |  ●_●  |   < 生きろってことだよ   >  / //   ///ヽ  <言わせんな恥ずかしい>  | 〃 ------ ヾ |   YYYYYYYYYYYYYY  \__二__ノ
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